周間日程 (Mon - Fri)
07:45am 早餐
09:00am 主修課程 I
10:00am 選修課程
10:55am 休息
11:10am 主修課程 II
12:05pm 午餐
01:00pm 主修課程 III
02:30pm 體育課程
04:00pm Free Time
05:45pm 晚餐
07:00pm Study Time
08:30pm Evening Activities
10:00pm Dorm Check / Lights Out
週六行程 (Sat)
07:45am 早餐 / Trip of your choice
05:45pm 晚餐
08:00pm Evening Activities
10:45pm Dorm Check / Lights Out
週日行程 (Sun)
08:00am 早餐
10:30am Trip of your choice
05:45pm 晚餐
07:00pm Study Time
10:00pm Dorm Check / Lights Out