開箱!Big Box 藏著什麼秘密?

孩子上學第一年,是重要的里程碑,代表成長旅程進入下一個階段 ── 擁有師長及同儕陪伴,學習如何建立與周遭人事物的連結 ── 對於人際發展有著深遠影響。

0 到 6 歲是形塑孩童基礎能力品格素養的重要階段,藉由全身感官探索世界,學習察覺與面對情緒流動,這時期的經驗亦會影響日後的學習態度未來願景



研發「Big Box」,專業教師依據不同主題準備紮實的教具,輔助課程進行,也能於日常中使用,提供「親子共學」有趣且深具意義的互動方案。


Big box

1. 配合主題課程更新


2. 互動式輔助教具


3. 精選手作材料


4. 兼具趣味及實用性






What’s Inside the BigByte Big Boxes?
Written by Anja Branch Manager of BigByte

The first year of school is a big deal for both families and children. This impactful learning experience, particularly in the first six years of brain development, will influence an attitude and outlook towards a long academic career, social emotional life skill development, and the supportive relationship that helps to bridge home life with both school life and the outside world. 

At BigByte Junior, our youngest and newest students get to learn about the world around them, theme by theme, slowly broadening their awareness and understanding of their communities, natural phenomenon and what to expect as they move through the world. 

This first year is a time for sensory exploration, curiosity, creativity and learning through play.
It is so important to us that children not only learn a lot, but that they also have plenty of fun!
With many years of school in front of them, it's important that they build positive relationships with their care-givers, educators and classmates, and learn more than just English vocabulary. 

Our lessons are interactive, play-based and centered around music, physical movement and a variety of creative materials and activity centers.
In response to many families who want to know more about how to support their children’s early childhood development, and as a way to bridge and reinforce the lessons and conversations we begin at school, we have created our own Unit BigBoxes. 

These BigBoxes are jam-packed and sent home every 5 weeks to complement each unit theme, alphabet and phonics focus, and beginner math and science concepts. Each box highlights the weekly theme and daily big ideas and is filled with learning materials like flashcards and workbooks, art supplies for making selected crafts, and activity ideas that can be easily set-up at home for further family fun together. 

Over the course of the year, we focus on expanding phonics knowledge, pre‐writing and fine motor skills, pre‐reading methods, and English conversation skills. The social, emotional, creative and academic lessons ensure the development of the whole child. 

So explore and unpack our BigBoxes with excitement and confidence. Read, play, laugh and get messy together! Learning moments are not limited to classrooms and categorized by subjects in the real world. Show interest in their interests, model fascination for the world around you and be intentionally curious about their school life and all wonders of life together and your children will be lifelong learners!