“ 面對改變,我們準備好了!”
因疫情影響,課程由實體轉移到線上。為延續良好教學品質,我們提供家長 5個居家學習竅門,讓家長、學生能夠在家中輕鬆打造最佳的遠距學習環境。
1. 營造教室環境
- 找一塊不易分心的區域,將課本及文具用品放在孩子容易取得的位置。
- 基本文具用品:筆、橡皮擦、剪刀、膠水、筆記本。
- 準備一本書:在等待他人時能夠閱讀。
2. 預先登入系統
- 提早十分鐘確認設備連線是否正常。
- 五分鐘前預先登入,問候師長與同儕。
3. 教導孩子操作
Zoom 基本工具包括:
- 靜音:避免聲音雜亂,降低學習品質。
- 視訊:開啟以增進課堂互動。
- 舉手回應:遵守基本課堂禮儀,使老師教學更順利。
4. 上下課規律
- 設置鬧鐘提醒孩子休息時間。課堂進行期間,為保持專心,請家長避免與孩子交談。
- 為使視訊品質穩定,盡量不要更動觀看設備。
- 保持好的儀態,課堂中盡量避免學生四處走動及閒聊。
5. 確認課程細節
- 定時檢視 LMS 系統,追蹤課堂進度。
- 保持與教師聯繫,掌握孩子課程理解程度。
身為教育工作者,BigByte專業教學團隊致力於 開發虛擬互動課程內容,並確保每個階段的學習課程都能夠接續。
我們相信彼此合作便能夠跨越挑戰,迎接曙光來到。Stay healthy, stay safe and stay positive!
Virtual Classroom
Written by Anja — Branch Manager of BigByte
At the core of early childhood education and school life are relationships. Student social interactions and the critical emotional bonds that children have and need with each other and their teachers are the most essential at continuing during uncertain times. To ensure that the school skills, such as structure and routine, we have all worked so hard to build throughout the year are maintained, here are a few tips and tricks to make this transition to virtual school life smoother.
1. Create a classroom corner at home
This needs to be an area with no distractions, with school books and materials within easy reach of your child. Pencils, erasers, scissors, glue, extra paper, notebooks, a water bottle and a book for reading while waiting for others to finish a task.
2. Get ready early
Check your technology such as audio, video and connectivity at least 10min before class time begins.
Allow them to log-in 5 minutes early to settle down and give students time to chat with each other.
3. Make sure your child knows or understands some of the basic functions
These buttons and tools include: the mute button, the video button and being able to ‘raise their hand’ to speak.
4. Follow the normal class periods and break times
It’s a good idea to set up alarms or reminders on an adult’s phone to know when the break times are.
Also please don’t interrupt the lessons by talking to your child during class time as it’s essential they stay focused on their educator’s instructions and classmates.
Please don't adjust or change any viewing settings or play with the video/microphone/background settings.Video needs to stay on throughout the class, so please follow good etiquette: be fully clothed, don't walk around or talk in the background while the lesson is taking place.
5. Please check your email or LMS inbox regularly for messages and lesson details from your child’s educator
Keep up to date with comprehension skills and reading by using ReadingA-Z
This new way of learning is completely new for young learners, so positivity and patience during the transition are key. Encourage participation and listening with enthusiasm, let go of high expectations and allow time for your student to process a new way of engaging and learning. Us as educators are doing our best to provide meaningful virtual interactions and lessons for our students and ensure we stay on our academic course.
Together we can do hard things and get to the other side of this challenging period. Our BigByte school community is one of a kind!
Stay healthy, stay safe and stay positive!