「我相信自己!」 為學習預備最佳狀態
在課程開始前,所有的師生聚在一起歌唱、跳舞以及精神喊話。"Morning Circle Time” 透過遊戲環節,討論各式主題,幫助孩子活絡精神,更有助於豐富基本語彙。
Morning Circle Time
Written by Anja — Branch Manager of BigByte
Not everyone is a morning person and morning routines can be a challenge to keep consistent at home. But one thing is for certain, once you arrive at BigByte Junior, you’ll be welcomed warmly inside and have a second chance to start your day off just right.
Morning circle time is when the whole school community gathers to chat, share, sing, stretch and dance.
It’s one of the most important daily social interactions when all Junior classes kickoff their day together before English classes begin. Students of all ages and levels are able to take turns sharing personal stories and feelings about current events happening both at school and at home, and this cooperative time helps get them ready for a day of learning together.
We also use circle time to talk about certain life skills such as our kindness promise, and practicing powerful thoughts that shape our powerful feelings throughout the day.
Some of our favorites mantras are:
"We can do hard things! "
"I can always try! "
"My mistakes help me learn and grow."
"I believe in myself! "
We also use morning circle time together to explore and discuss social lessons that have the most impact and that make the biggest difference to young impressionable minds.
Explore and discuss the ‘Wheel of Choices’ when there is a small (not serious) problem that needs solving either at school or at home. It helps to empower your child to manage their emotional reactions to the actions of other young friends or family members that they interact with regularly.
Another one of the most impactful lessons has been learning about the best way to apologize. Do you know how to say sorry properly with real thought and meaning? This is a great tool for all family members to learn to build trust and bond further.
This daily energetic routine with all the students is the chance to connect and get to know each other better in an engaging and interactive way.
It keeps our BigByte Junior community bonded, safe, and feeling seen and heard, and this is by far one of the most rewarding times spent together for me personally.